Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hong Kong Trip 060312

060312 @ Day 2 - Hong Kong

Us before entering the Disneyland.
Thats me before the change of clothes :P

huBb bought us a disneyland tee & we wore it for the whole day.

I didn't expect the weather to be that warm. Happy to be in tees instead of my heat retention top.

The extreme ride @ Toystory Land. My Heart almost dropped !!

Heex :) Our Tees.

With disney characters

Our favourtite ride: Buzz Light Years. Where we went for 3 rounds and did lots of shootings :P

My Buys: Keychains for sis & bro. A pink mug for myself. Baby Clothings for his sis.
His Buys: Our tees. Baby Clothings for his sis.

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